
Eight Course

July 11, 2024

Barry and Sammy have to clear Frank’s name and save Foodtopia! Julius must be stopped! But not all is as it seems to be…

Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

First Course

The great Food Fight has ended. Food reigns victorious over humanity. They’re free to create their own Foodtopia. But not everything is as it seems…
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×1
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

Second Course

Frank, Brenda and Barry embark on a mission to save food hostages before they ALL DIE!! Sammy fills his hole with a new art form: Stand up comedy. But not all is as it seems…
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×2
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

Third Course

Food pride is high. They decide to throw a Burning Man Festival. Frank and Brenda have to hide a secret from Barry. Unfortunately, nothing is as it seems…
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×3
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

Fourth Course

A new currency forms a class system in Foodtopia. Frank and Brenda set out to fix it. Though, not everything is as it seems…
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×4
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

Fifth Course

A Machiavellian orange, Julius, gains popularity in Foodtopia. Frank and Brenda struggle to maintain control. But not all is as it seems…
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×5
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

Sixth Course

Election day is upon Foodtopia: Julius versus Frank and Brenda. But relationship trouble threatens their chances. And not all is as it seems…
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×6
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

Seventh Course

Brenda sets out to find the good in the dictator orange, Julius. Frank ties up some loose ends. And nothing is as it seems…
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×7
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

Eight Course

Barry and Sammy have to clear Frank's name and save Foodtopia! Julius must be stopped! But not all is as it seems to be...
Sausage Party: Foodtopia – 1×8

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