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January 15, 2013 41 min

After the shocking events at the school marathon, Aria, Emily and Spencer are sure now more than ever that Mona is up to her old tricks. Hanna, still holding out hope for her former friend, is not so sure. With Mona seemingly popping up everywhere, it sure seems like she has a plan. But with no real evidence to prove Mona is back to her evil ways, how can the Liars prove what they believe to be true? Meanwhile, Aria’s fears about her father grow stronger when something vital that is hidden in her room goes missing.

Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

It Happened That Night

A summer has passed since Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer found out about Mona being ‘A’ and Maya’s death…. Each of the four girls spent their summer in different ways – Aria taking a photography class, Spencer taking college courses at Hollis, Hanna taking cooking classes with Caleb and Emily building houses in Haiti. But… with post-traumatic stress, anger and the acquisition of more secrets the four Liars are anything but fine. Now all back together and coming upon the second anniversary of Alison’s disappearance, the girls find themselves back on the defensive when a shocking event rocks Rosewood.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×1
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Blood Is The New Black

A new "A" player is in town and is determined to show the Liars that he/she means business. After getting a gruesome reminder that "A" is still calling the shots, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer try to quickly devise a plan on how to deal with this old/new threat and the usual game that has been taken up a notch. Spencer and Hanna continue to play with fire as they look for answers, while one of Aria’s past indiscretions becomes fodder for "A’s" game. Meanwhile, a still very shaky Emily tries to focus on school but could easily be derailed when she remembers a crucial piece from "that night."
Pretty Little Liars – 3×2
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Kingdom of the Blind

With Spencer's mom now taking Garrett on as a client, Spencer is sure that there is a reason forcing her mother to take on the case. But when she starts questioning, she doesn't so much learn why her mother took the case as stumble upon a larger Hastings secret. Emily also gets some surprising news about her English exam and fears what those consequences could hold. Meanwhile, Aria agrees to be Jenna's accompanist in order to keep tabs on her, and Hanna tries to reach out to Lucas.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×3
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Birds of a Feather

The truth can sometimes hurt and the Liars must take that into account when deciding to reveal secrets. Hanna's visits with Mona are driving a wedge between Hanna and Caleb. But would it be so bad if Hanna told Caleb that she needed to see Mona to get information about this "A?" Aria, on the other hand, is dreading telling Ella that Byron is back in the dating scene and dating Meredith. But wouldn't it be better if Ella found out from Aria than hearing it someplace else? And Spencer needs to know the truth about Melissa, even if the truth hurts. Meanwhile, Emily finds some solace after meeting Maya's cousin, Nathan.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×4
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

That Girl is Poison

Jenna's extravagant birthday party seems to be too good to be true and Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer think something else might be up - especially when it turns out that Garrett is getting a pass out of jail to visit his ailing mother on the same night. The timing can't just be a coincidence; the Liars are convinced it all has to do something with "A." With Emily getting an insiders' view working the party, Aria working the crowd as a party-goer and Spencer staked out at the hospital, what could go wrong? The answer is - everything. Meanwhile, Hanna's wallowing through heartbreak leads her to a shocking discovery.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×5
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

The Remains of the 'A'

After getting a major clue from Garrett, Hanna and Spencer set out on their separate missions. Hanna sees a perfect opportunity to catch "A" or to at least see who is helping Garrett out. But her perfect plan starts to quickly unravel, leaving Hanna frustrated and desperate. Spencer tries to figure out the meaning of the clue and enlists Jason's help in the search. Meanwhile, Emily gets another flashback from "that night" which leads her to a surprising suspect and Aria starts to question Ezra's sudden influx of cash.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×6
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min


With new key evidence in Alison's murder case, Hanna fears that "A" may be framing her after a visit from Det. Wilden. With paranoia setting in, Aria decides that she has to turn to Mona for answers if she is going to help Hanna. But is Aria ready to face her former tormentor, and more to the point, is Mona ready to give Aria the answers the PLLs are desperately looking for? Meanwhile, someone from Ali and Jason's past arrives in Rosewood and piques the girls' interest.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×7
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Stolen Kisses

Emily is struggling to deal not only with the loss of Maya, but the knowledge that someone drugged her "that night" and how that has now affected Paige. Going to make amends with Paige and try to explain the drugged flask ends up leading Emily to more insight of what she did "that night." Also trying to help Emily out, Spencer turns to Caleb to help crack into a website that might hold answers for them all. Meanwhile, Aria realizes she knows very little about Ezra after meeting his mother and Hanna makes a plea on Mona's behalf.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×8
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

The Kahn Game

Spencer and Aria find themselves at the Kahn brothers' party in hopes of saving Spencer's college career. What originally was going to be a quick stop by to ask a favor of CeCe's friend turns into an opportunity for Aria and Spencer to get some answers from Jenna with a heated game of "Truth." But will Aria and Spencer be willing to give up some of their "truths" to get the answers they are looking for? Meanwhile, Hanna gets another text from "A" about Caleb.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×9
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

What Lies Beneath

After learning that Noel and his family's cabin had something to do with "that night" and possibly Maya's disappearance, the girls work to try and put the pieces together. Hanna and Emily head out to the Kahn family cabin looking for clues linking Maya to the site, while Spencer does some snooping of her own on Noel. Could Noel have had a hand in this after all, or are he and Jenna just bluffing to send Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer down the wrong path? Meanwhile, Aria must deal with the aftermath of meeting Ezra's mom and the information about Ezra's past.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×10
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Single Fright Female

Emily's relationship with Paige has been anything but easy, but she finally feels like their relationship is going in the right direction. So when Spencer comes to her with a sordid tale about Paige's history with Alison, Emily is not ready to heed her friend's warnings. With Spencer knowing Paige's violent past and this new information about a blood feud between Alison and Paige right before Alison disappeared, she can't stand by to let one of her best friends get close to a potential enemy. But will Spencer cross a line that Emily can't forgive in her attempt to prove to Emily who Paige really is? Meanwhile, Aria feels she has to help Ezra move on from his past if their relationship is to move forward, but what she finds may be more than she expected.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×11
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

The Lady Killer

With Garrett's trial for Maya's murder starting, the town of Rosewood has become a media spectacle. At odds with her friends over Paige, Emily doesn't know where to turn when the media attention becomes too much for her. "A" sees this as a perfect opportunity and takes advantage of the situation and sends Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer on a path to a possible truce. But is "A's' peace offering real or just a trap for a much darker ending? Meanwhile, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are betrayed as someone very close to them is revealed as part of the "A" team.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×12
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

This is a Dark Ride

Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are looking forward to some good old Halloween fun now that the traumatic events with Nate are behind them. But once aboard the Rosewood Ghost Train, the girls are in for much more than just some childish trick or treats. With "A" running amuck and unexpected party-goers popping up at every turn, this Halloween event becomes one killer party.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×13
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

She's Better Now

Radley Sanitarium has given Mona a clean bill of health and she is headed back to the halls of Rosewood High, much to the Liars' dismay. With their former tormentor now back in their everyday life, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer take very different views of the "new" Mona. She made their lives a living hell... Is she really cured? And what other secrets could she be holding onto? It's up to Mona to prove to the Liars if she has changed or not.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×14
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min


After the shocking events at the school marathon, Aria, Emily and Spencer are sure now more than ever that Mona is up to her old tricks. Hanna, still holding out hope for her former friend, is not so sure. With Mona seemingly popping up everywhere, it sure seems like she has a plan. But with no real evidence to prove Mona is back to her evil ways, how can the Liars prove what they believe to be true? Meanwhile, Aria's fears about her father grow stronger when something vital that is hidden in her room goes missing.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Misery Loves Company

Ailing Aria has reason to be afraid, while Spencer’s romantic gesture results in an unpleasant surprise.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×16
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno

Distracted Spencer’s anger is let-loose on Ezra, hurting Aria. Emily and Hanna each end up at the police station.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×17
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Dead to Me

Emily’s memories get muddled in therapy, Caleb’s boyhood things intrigue Hanna, Ezra’s brother brings trouble, and Spencer gets bitter.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×18
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted?

Spencer’s misbehaviour causes concern, Hanna engineers an encounter Caleb is resisting, Emily’s detective work turns dangerous.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×19
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Hot Water

Shaken up after recent events and holding new information about Det. Wilden, Aria, Emily and Hanna are on the hunt for answers about the detective's past. Looking to Shana and Cece for more insight, the ladies seem to be making progress in their search. But they quickly start running out of time when they learn that Wilden is close on their heels and determined to stop them. Now with Det. Wilden on the war path, some residents of Rosewood will find out how far he is willing to go to keep his secrets from coming out. Meanwhile, after many pleas from her friends Spencer finally finds someone to lean on.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×20
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Spencer is finally ready to talk, but Emily is not so ready to accept what she has to say. Will she heed Spencer's warnings or will Emily go off to find her own answers down a path "A" has designed for her? Hanna, on the other hand, is preoccupied with helping her mother after Ashley is involved in a hit-n-run accident. Now having a new secret to hide, Hanna wonders if "A" had something to do with it after all. With Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer are now really afraid does "A" have them right where they want them? Meanwhile, Aria has to come to terms with Ezra's new life with Malcolm.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×21
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

Will the Circle Be Unbroken?

Spencer hasn't been herself lately, but has she had enough to just disappear? Could "A" have done something to her? These are all questions that Aria, Emily and Hanna are asking themselves when Spencer goes missing. But when it turns out even her family doesn't know where Spencer has gone to, the girls frantically search for answers hoping their worst fears aren't true. But where Spencer does turn up at, maybe she doesn't want to be found. Meanwhile, Emily gets the surprise of a lifetime when she meets Gold Medalist Missy Franklin.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×22
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

I'm Your Puppet

As "A" continues to play games, the stakes are raised higher as each girl is forced into difficult positions. Aria starts to seriously contemplate her relationship with Ezra as his new family situation continues to eat away at her. Hanna is thrown into the middle of Caleb's family drama when Jamie's shady past comes back to haunt him. Emily is determined to prove Spencer wrong in hopes of helping her, but she might not be ready for what she finds. In the end, will the Liars be able to get out of their sticky situations or will "A" have them right where he/she wants them? Meanwhile, Spencer searches for answers about Mona's time in Radley Sanitarium.
Pretty Little Liars – 3×23
Pretty Little Liars – 3×15 41 min

A dAngerous gAme

Spencer is back home and presenting a good front, but Aria, Hanna and Emily are not so sure their friend is fully back after seeing how fragile she was just a day or so before. Unfortunately the girls don't have much time to ponder Spencer's health as shocking revelations are brought to the forefront. With so much happening and new information being uncovered, will the Liars be ready for what is waiting for them?
Pretty Little Liars – 3×24

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